Just for Kicks is an American comedy-drama series that aired on the Nickelodeon television network as a part of the channel's TEENick television lineup. The series about a group of girls in a soccer team set in New York City. This series is first called Head to Toe, then The Power Strikers, but is changed in 2005. Just for Kicks premiered in January 2006 on Nickelodeon UK and April 2006 on Nickelodeon in the US. The series is produced by Brookwell McNamara Entertainment.
Title | Just for Kicks |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | |
First Air Date | 2006-04-09 |
Last Air Date | 2006-08-13 |
Number of Episodes | 13 |
Number of Seasons | 1 |
Genres | , |
Networks | Nickelodeon, |
Casts | Katija Pevec, Jerad Anderson, Mallory Low, Francesca Catalano |
Plot Keywords | , |